About us

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Hi.  My name is Mike and Mail A Smile Today is a small ministry located in Pennsylvania.  We hope this “unique things in the mail” bring a little fun, love, encouragement or, at least, a smile to your friend or loved one’s face.

The idea for this ministry came from a couple of things. . . .

One was finding websites where you can mail pranks to people.  Some of us think it is better to mail and send positive messages with fun gifts. . .   And when I found out some of the different things you can actually mail without a box, with the postage, address label and message right on the item — the idea was born.

Receiving one of these unusual gifts and surprises in the mail should bring a smile to the face of the person you choose.  And the positive message (ours or yours) of love, friendship or encouragement will brighten their day.

If you have any questions, comments or a story to share, please use this contact form or send an email to admin@mailasmiletoday.com as I’d love to hear from you.




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